Sad Girl Thinking How To Cope With Anxiety Naturally

How To Cope With Anxiety Naturally: 5 Ideas To Try Now

This is for those times when anxiety is skyrocketing.

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A Black Ink Writing Tool With A Pink Card That Has Inspirational Quote Written On It

Being sensitive is not easy.

Heck, sometimes it can legitimately drive you crazy (and if you came to read this, you probably already know that).

Anxiety is hard to beat completely, but there’s good news – it can be managed.

Through time and practice, one can learn to be less anxious and a little braver.

But how to cope with anxiety naturally, with things that are closer to nature and our body’s own abilities?

When you feel anxious, it’s essential to slow down and take things easy.

Here are some of the activities to try when anxiety is skyrocketing (and if you want to track your anxiety levels too, grab this tracker for free while you’re here).


How To Cope With Anxiety Naturally


1. Decompress as soon as you can


Had a major stressful event?

Maybe a stressful day?

A Month?

A year?..

You need to start decompressing.

Get somewhere comfy as soon as you can and as often as you can.

Personally, if someone asked me how to cope with anxiety naturally and quickly, I would say “Go to the comfiest place you can find and do something you love the most, right away!” (- author).

A Blonde Woman Sits In A Relaxing Decorated Room With Candles And Plays With Her White Dog

The reason it works is simple – once you make your brain think about pleasurable things, the stress response in your body begins to subside slowly.

Anything can be useful here – candlelit atmosphere, soothing music, purring cat on your lap, rain sounds, calming guided meditation – anything you like.

If you’re a fan of alternative therapy, using healing crystals can be very relaxing as they induce a sense of relaxation in the environment.

If you look through the meanings of different crystals you can see that Malachite is considered to be the most popular anti-anxiety stone.

It balances your emotions by removing negative thoughts from the mind.

The gorgeous green gem is also considered symbolic of nature, its revitalizing freshness, and positive growth.

You might find that your nerves love warm water.

Step in your shower or bathtub and let the warm water soothe you – works like a magic potion.

Forget about hair masks or leg shaving, these can wait!

Try not to think about anything and concentrate only on this fantastic feeling on your skin.

Another way to deeply relax is by using high-quality essential oil blends.

A good, relaxing essential oil can lift weeks of stress in minutes.

You can use essential oils in a diffuser, add a few drops in your hot steaming shower or add to your body lotion if it’s suitable for topical use.

Natural relaxing things are much healthier for your body…

And that leads us to the next tip.


2. Drink valerian root tea or take magnesium


How to cope with anxiety naturally?

Take a helping hand from herbs and minerals!

If you’re not allergic to valerian root, this calming herb can be a real lifesaver when coping with anxiety.

You can find it in many forms – tea, tincture, or tablet supplements, and it works by giving your body a calming effect.

Sipping valerian root tea with honey can help you to feel less tense and anxious in about 15 minutes.

It also helps your body fall asleep and works since it’s a natural muscle relaxant too.

If you’re not familiar with valerian root or can’t find it where you live, magnesium is another supplement that gives a similar effect and is more available.

Just be careful about the dosage – too much magnesium will result in prolonged bathroom sessions, ahem.


3. Write your thoughts down


How to cope with anxiety when your thoughts are running like crazy and keep creating those unpleasant feelings in your body?

Let them all out!

Writing down helps to clear your mind and let it rest.

A Girl With A Comfy Sweater Writes In Her Anxiety Journal

When you encounter a serious overthinking period, it can be a great way to stop thoughts from running around like crazy.

If it’s just general anxiety, you can try using our free Anxiety Journal to do some mindfulness breathing and thought dumping, maybe choose something from the Triggers & Helpers list to redirect my attention.

If you are worrying about something specific, try to deal with a short guided meditation and The Worry Workbook (P.S. click the link to grab it for free).

It encourages self-support and gently forces you to evaluate negative thoughts:

  • Are they real, or just imagined?
  • Can I change the situation?
  • Am I avoiding something?
  • How can I comfort and support myself?

It’s silly how often you can find yourself worrying about something that is only in your head.

Read more about this: Anxiety Journals and how they can help you


4. Talk to someone you trust


If you can, talk to someone you trust.

Sometimes people can give you valuable tips on how to cope with anxiety in your particular situation – they can see everything clearly and more rationally than you do.

It’s you who’s stressed after all.

Make sure the person is understanding and non-judgemental – you don’t need to listen to anything negative right now.

If you don’t have that kind of person or no one is available right now, it is totally fine to use online therapy websites.


If you feel like your anxiety is getting out of control, consider therapy.

Many people have benefited from it and it’s at least worth trying.


5. How to cope with anxiety naturally when it seems like nothing helps?

Buckle up and let it pass!


Finally, if nothing really helps your anxiety, sometimes it’s best to just let it be and try to do something easy and pleasant, like watching TV.

Our bodies can’t stay in an anxious state forever, so the level of anxiety has to go down eventually.

Thoughts, worries, troubles, bad feelings…

They all pass – sooner or later.


If anxiety is a part of reality at the moment – it’s fine.

It’s OK to not feel ok.

It’s normal to be sad.

This too shall pass anyway, but you will come out stronger, even if your anxiety attack will take days to come down.


More Resources On How To Cope With Anxiety Naturally


Here are a ton of additional resources we recommend to anyone trying to cope with anxiety in natural ways.

All of the tips and resources we provide come from our personal experience with anxiety, or research about it.

We are glad to share it all with you.














P.S. Want to learn more about how to cope with anxiety naturally, mindfully, and in the comfort of your home?

Grab our Anti-Anxiety Printables (free!) to start your anti-anxiety journal practice.

You can print and start it in a few minutes, and it’s an easy way to start working on your negative thoughts, conquer them, reshape them, and learn to be more positive and brave.

You can write down your thoughts in an anxiety journal, diffuse your worry in a guided workbook, track your sleep and anxiety levels, and learn to manage your anxiety safely and medication-free.

It may sound weird if you never tried journaling, but to many people, including us, it was a game-changer.

Stay resilient and keep fighting.

Every rain is ultimately followed by a burst of sunshine.

Need more tips?

Scroll down below!

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