Ingredients Of A Good Self Care Routine

How To Create a Self Care Routine That Works For YOU

Un-complicate self care by making it work for YOU.

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Young Woman Having Self Care Time With Her Cat And A Cup Of Tea

Developing a self-care routine has really taken off recently, becoming a bit of a trend with more and more people focusing on their health and well-being.

With our ever-increasing busy schedules and life pressures, we all know how easy it can be to put our needs on the back burner.

However, with the huge demands that are placed on our shoulders by the hectic day-to-day grind, the evidence is showing that a self-care routine needs to become a priority for all of us.


Self-Care Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated


Everywhere you look there are articles, posts, apps, and books offering information about ways to improve your life.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is some great information and resources out there.

I read as much information as I can to inspire myself and develop my own self-care routine.

However, one thing that always strikes me is how a lot of this information is delivered in such a complicated way.

Sometimes you’re made to feel like in order to live your best life, you need to get up at the crack of dawn, watch the sunrise whilst doing a headstand, and drink a smoothie made from the world’s most exotic foods!

Now if this works for you, I mean no offense, you crack on and I wish you love and happiness!

However, for the vast majority of us, that’s just not the real world.

That’s not self-care, that’s HARD WORK!

Self-Care Should Be Accessible To All


A self-care routine can be as simple as you want it to be.

Some of this complex information can be off-putting.

You want to better yourself and your well-being and that should not be a stressful process!

The key to making positive changes in your life and daily routine is by setting small realistic, achievable goals.

From early childhood, we start to develop bad habits.

These bad habits grow with us throughout our lives, almost like viruses of the mind.

  • Confidence issues;
  • Comparing ourselves;
  • Competing;
  • Low self-worth;
  • Unsupportive body image.

What’s important to realize is that these ‘viruses’ can be dealt with.

With time and some effort, you can develop healthy mental habits to boost your well-being without having to make crazy lifestyle changes.


The Self-Care Misconception


I feel that some of the information out there can suggest that self-care is self-indulgent.

Or that a self-care routine needs to consist of expensive accessories, gym memberships, manicures, pedicures, and spa sessions.

We all love those experiences, and for some of you out there, those activities may be high on your self-care to-do list.

The point I’m trying to make is that taking care of ourselves mentally and physically doesn’t have to be expensive or lavish.

Developing a self-care routine should not be an expensive mission to fit in with the latest fads and trends.

The most powerful changes you can make to your self-care routine come from within, and that my dears… Is free!


The Comparison Trap


We all do it.

We all look to those around us to see what we should be doing.

In truth though, we all know that life doesn’t work like that.

A self-care routine should be about yourself.

Your needs, your happiness, and your well-being.

I think it’s safe to say that if we all spent less time comparing ourselves to others and trying to keep up with one another, then our mental well-being would vastly improve.

Let’s say that some of your mates go running and they are doing really well and hope to take part in a 10K soon.

They are full of enthusiasm for their fitness target and are positively radiant on their self-care path.

Perhaps this makes you question your own self-care plan?

You also want to beam with radiance; you want goals to aim for and to feel in control of your well-being journey.

However, there is just one small problem – you hate running.

You can’t run for a bus and nor do you want to.

Maybe running is a nightmare choice for you!

Well, my friend, I’m here to give you some advice.

Very honest advice at that!


OMG… There, I said it.

Just don’t do it!

Forcing yourself to do something that just does not interest you, even though you are told it’s going to be great for you, is not self-care.

That’s someone else’s self-care routine.

NOT yours!


Erm … What About My Wellbeing?


So this is where it takes some strength and courage on your part.

It’s time to be honest with yourself, in order to gain results that are going to benefit you.

You can’t live someone else life, and why would you want to?

You are here on this earth for YOUR reason.

You are here to live your best life, and the way to do that is by being true to yourself and creating a self-care routine that works for you!

Replace the running scenario with any other activity that resonates with you. (That was just an example).

Over the years and still, to this day, I compare myself to others.

I do my own head-in!

But here’s the thing… I try… Every day I try.

I try to let that sh*t go because it does me no favors.

And I’m here to tell you, that you too can let all that negative self-talk go.


How To Create a Self-Care Routine That Works For YOU


1. When In Doubt… Make a List!


Lists are amazing!

Everyone loves a nice list.

So get your favorite pen and some paper and really take the time to think about what your self-care routine means to you.

Write it down.

What do you want from your self-care plan?

Think about some of these pointers:

  • Peace & tranquillity;
  • Rest;
  • Time for yourself;
  • Fitness;
  • Weight loss;
  • Pampering;
  • Exhilaration;
  • Sleep;
  • Laughter.

You see, the best ideas on how to create a self-care routine that works for you, come from within.

It’s about making your soul sing.

Some people need a rush, a rollercoaster ride, to live on the edge of life.

Other people need rest, more sleep, and ways to create healthier sleep habits.

Some people like myself, head outdoors to be in nature.

To garden or walk in the woods.

A bubble bath with scented candles might be your thing.

All of these are viable ways to enhance your self-care plan.

As long as the activity relates to you.

It doesn’t have to cost money and it doesn’t have to be complicated.


2. Stick Ability


The key to success here is to engage in activities that really resonate with you.

The best self-care routines are those, which can be implemented daily or in small doses throughout the week.

It’s the daily dose of self-love, which is going to make a difference in your daily happiness.

If you go for radical ideas, the chances are you won’t stick to them and you will let your self-care routine slide and that’s not what we want.

Here are some simple/ cheap self-care ideas to get you started:

  • Drawing;
  • Walking;
  • Reading;
  • Gardening;
  • Colouring;
  • Bubble bath;
  • Lighting scented candles;
  • Watching the clouds;
  • Listening to music;
  • Listening to an audiobook;
  • Fitness running /jogging /walking /cycling /climbing /hiking /sailing etc.;
  • Laughing;
  • Painting;
  • Caring for a pet;
  • Writing a diary;
  • Writing a short story;
  • Keeping a gratitude journal;
  • Watching the sunrise;
  • Listening to an inspiring podcast;
  • Watching the sunset;
  • Practicing daily affirmations;
  • Looking at art;
  • Doing jigsaws;
  • Puzzle books;
  • Baking;
  • Blogging;
  • Having a manicure/pedicure with Côte colors;
  • Having a massage;
  • Crafting;
  • Depp breathing;
  • Meditating.

These are just a few self-care ideas that you may wish to include in your daily routine.




I hope you feel inspired and got a few ideas on how to create a self-care routine that actually works for you and YOU ONLY.

Be the one that controls your self-care routine.

It is for your needs.

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