Person Enjoying Mindful Moments With A Cup Of Coffee

7 Ways to Add More Mindful Moments to your Day

Create mindful moments in your day to beat stress and build a happier, healthier lifestyle you love.

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Mindfulness is a fantastic way to beat the hectic lure of the rat race and restore balance and clarity to your daily life.

But with schedules stretched to the max, and to-do lists that do nothing but grow, how do you even carve out some me-time to help offset the negative effects of stress and worry?

These tips will help you create mindful moments in your day that will beat stress and build a happier, healthier lifestyle you love.

A healthier, happier mind and body are only a few simple moments away.


What is Mindfulness?


Mindfulness is an achingly simple concept.

It’s the ability to stay grounded in the present, rather than letting yesterday’s worries and tomorrow’s problems overwhelm you.

It can help tame anxiety, alleviate depression, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

It also helps you re-focus on what really matters to you.

When you are more focused on the now, you can better achieve your goals, as well as improve your tolerance for stressful circumstances and save yourself from becoming overwhelmed, worn-down, and tired 24/7.

Humans are not great at living in the now.

We’ve become used to technology on tap constantly, and we’re bombarded by information overload wherever we turn.

Additionally, we’re encouraged to care about everyone who matters except ourselves.

Even when we do slow down, we tend to feel guilty. “Hustle Culture” does little to improve this.

We feel the need to be ‘productive’ all the time, not realizing how this mindset can drag you down and move you further from your goals.

This leaves us very susceptible to negative emotions, bad news, anxiety, FOMO, and the spread of misinformation.

Adding more mindful moments to our daily routines can help loosen the grip negativity has on us, leaving us less stress-filled and more resilient.


7 Simple Ways To Enjoy Mindful Moments In Your Day


While heading to your mat for a 20-minute meditation would be ideal, it can feel like just another chore after a while.

By embracing the idea of ‘micro-practices’, however, we can still gain many of the same effects effortlessly.


1. Gratitude and Reframing


When we pay attention to the good stuff, we’re more easily able to come back into the present moment, instead of living in anxiety and fear.

When we focus on the positive, we become more able to create a positive future.

Whether it’s reframing negative thoughts, or simply writing down three things you’re grateful for every evening, it’s simple and easy to do.


2. The Body Check


So much of what our bodies do for us daily is automatic, from thinking to breathing.

When we take a moment to ‘check in’ with our bodies, however, we take our wandering attention ‘inside’, and you’d be surprised at what you might feel.

Are your shoulders tense right now?

Do you have pain or aches?

Does your being feel heavy or light?

Not only do you have a chance to realize what your body is trying to tell you, but you also become more connected to the now.

This includes a quick check of the emotional signals we’re being sent, as well as the physical.


3. Engage All Senses


Take this trick to another level, and actively engage all 5 senses.

What are you seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting?

What is happening in the real space around you?

This nifty trick, also used as a grounding exercise for anxiety and conditions like ADHD, can help you focus on the now instead of letting the mind wander.


4. Center Yourself


Take as little as 30 seconds to ground and center yourself.

Observe your thoughts without interacting with them.

Let them come and go.

Focus on your breath, slowly count through numbers, or hey- count those sheep!

Something simple that allows you to breathe, relax, and place yourself back at the center of your universe, instead of floating torn in all directions by conflicting wants and needs.


5. Mindful Eating and Drinking


Instead of simply stuffing your face on the run, use your snack breaks as mini-mindfulness breaks.

Not only does this help you slow down and recenter yourself, but it’s also a great way to draw attention to what you’re eating, too.

In turn, this can help with better digestion and better food choices, too.

Put down the phone, chew with thought, and notice what you’re eating.

How flavorful is it?

Are you stuffing it in your face instead of enjoying it?

Does what you’re eating or drinking inspire you?

You can take this a step further, and use a healthy, stress-busting drink like Moment to stimulate an alpha state, introduce supplements that help ward off the negative effects of stress, and encourage you to take the time you need to really show up and live life.


6. Listen Actively


Most of us are guilty of not really listening to others, but instead planning how we’re going to respond before they’re even finished talking.

Working on being an active listener, with your full attention on the other person, will help ground you as well as make you a more personable and efficient person.

You’re sure to notice a change in your personal relationships, too!


7. Observe your Surroundings


When was the last time you actually stopped to smell the roses?

Can you tell us, right now, what the view outside your office window looks like?

Do you walk or jog furiously, never once glancing up at your surroundings?

Again, focusing on the space you are in as you’re there can help you embrace a healthier, happier mindset grounded in the now.

Get ‘out of our head’, and enjoy the beauty of the world.

These simple exercises, all of which can be easily incorporated as mindful moments into a hectic daily schedule, will help foster an attitude of mindfulness in your day-to-day activities.

Beat the stress cycle, and feel more positive, happier, and in charge of your emotions instead of a victim to the bad press around you.

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