Art Picture Depicting Content Ideas For Social Media

7 Engaging Content Ideas For Social Media: Make Your Posts Shine

If your focus is on quantity over quality, you’ve got to rethink your priorities.

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How do people come up with so many content ideas for social media?

The battle to keep your social media schedule filled with compelling creations is never-ending.

But if your focus is on quantity over quality, you’ve got to rethink your priorities.

It’s better to have lower volumes of top-notch content filtering onto your feeds, and here are some tips on how to achieve this consistently.


7 Content Ideas For Social Media


1. Use polls and surveys to engage followers


Social media is the perfect place to interact with people who are interested in your brand, but just sharing beautiful photos can become stale.

If you already have followers, then they probably have something useful to contribute to the conversation.

That’s where using the integrated poll-creation features found on all good social sites makes sense.

There are various benefits to doing so, such as setting out to seek feedback on products and services, researching your target audience, pinpointing problems with your offerings, and generating fresh leads to follow.


2. Implement looping video to publish on-trend clips


Video loops have become the norm on certain social platforms like Instagram and TikTok, so if you want to join the party with your own homegrown looped clips then now is the time to strike.

You can find loop videos on Videvo, and incorporate these into your own edits, rather than having to come up with every component of a post-in-house.


3. Provide exclusive promotions


If you have products you sell, about 20% of your content ideas for social media should include promotions.

Giving discounts and offers to social media followers is a brilliant way to make them feel valued, and to keep them sticking around for more.

This could be in the form of a discount code, or it could be an invite to an event, whether hosted in-person or online.

Experiment with different types of promotional posts to see which approach clicks with your audience.


4. Encourage followers to share their own content with you


You can offload some of the burdens of creating content for your followers, but you need to convince them to do this of their own free will, rather than repurposing posts you find elsewhere.

For instance, you could build a campaign for photo sharing based around one of your locations or products, and run a competition to see who can take the most impressive snap.

That way you’ll get lots of submissions that can be featured on your feed, and you won’t need to do much of the legwork.


5. Don’t be shy about sharing stats


One of the best content ideas for social media is literally sharing your backstage.

Talking openly about how your business is performing is useful for all sorts of reasons, such as making your brand seem more authentic, and also creating talking points that are shareable elsewhere as well.

You can do this in plain text, of course, but it’s more useful to parcel up stats in an eye-catching way via an infographic.


6. Cross-promote content from other platforms


If you’ve come up with social media content that’s designed for one specific site, don’t forget that you can also make mention of this on other profiles you operate, even if that means getting people to click through elsewhere.

Putting together a playlist on Spotify is a good example of this; it’s sharable and relatable and is most impactful when it gets distributed far and wide, rather than only being limited to the platform on which it originated.


7. Bring other brands into the fold


Brand partnerships and mash-ups are more common than ever at the moment, and this mostly comes down to how effective they are in gaining traction on social media.

Finding a brand that’s aligned with the values of your business and has a similar customer base in its sights, without being a direct rival, is a savvy way to go about starting a potentially lucrative partnership.


Level Up Your Strategy


Build a regular schedule so followers know what to expect


Variety is valuable in a social media content context, but you’ll also do better at brand-building if there is consistency in what you share, and repetition as part of your posting schedule.

You might have regular posts that appear on the same day each week or each month to tackle some topic that’s relevant to your followers and close to your brand ethos and values.


Make use of emojis


How to make your content ideas for social media more relatable, engaging, and down-to-earth?

Employ emojis.

It’s definitely possible to overuse emojis, and you don’t want to flood every single piece of content you post with these elements.

However, you shouldn’t be overlooking their potential to increase engagement either.

Make sure that the emojis you pick are appropriate for your brand, and that they are tied into the content you’re posting in some way.


Final thoughts


Getting social media right isn’t rocket science, but it’s also not something you can expect to achieve without a bit of experimentation.

Tinker with different tactics, try out new strategies for content campaigns, and test the performance of each post to find out if you’re hitting the mark or if you need to adjust your aim.

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