Gorgeous Woman Exercising To Boost Motivation To Lose Weight

3 Healthy Ways To Boost Your Motivation to Lose Weight

Motivation? Lose weight? Yes, these words can be used in the same sentence!

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Woman Looking At Her Belly Without Motivation To Lose Weight

With all the craziness in the world, losing weight and staying fit can be one of the last things that you feel motivated to do.

You’re not alone!

The hardest part of losing weight isn’t eating right or working out, it’s the actual motivation to lose weight that contributes to successful weight loss.

Here are some easy tips to boost your motivation to lose weight – you’ll be back to looking and feeling like your best self in no time!

Now, one of the most important steps to increasing your motivation to lose weight is to cultivate intrinsic motivation.


What is intrinsic motivation?


Most of us get the motivation to lose weight because of attractive celebrities we see plastered on television or to get those Insta-worthy shots next time we’re at the beach.

These would be sources of extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is when we are motivated by external factors outside of ourselves.

However, intrinsic motivation is when we are motivated by ourselves internally.

Intrinsic motivation is the little voice inside our heads urging us to keep on growing into better versions of ourselves, regardless of what kind of journey everyone else is on.

Intrinsic motivation is so key in losing weight because it’ll encourage you to continue healthy habits for the long run, not just temporarily!

Intrinsic motivation pushes you to be your best self, for YOURself.


How to cultivate intrinsic motivation to lose weight


The first step to creating this powerful intrinsic motivation to lose weight is being honest with yourself.

Take some time to reflect on what are the reasons why you want to lose weight in the first place.

  • Is it to feel better, stronger, healthier?
  • To start cooking more meals at home instead of eating out?
  • Do you want to focus on more mindful eating and living?

Any of these reasons are valid, as long as these reasons for losing weight come from you and no one else.

If you’re only trying to lose weight because of extrinsic motivation (like the pressure from seeing everyone with their summer bodies on Instagram), then your journey to losing weight will be short-lived and full of comparison.

Instead, your weight loss journey should be filled with lots of love and compassion as these are important factors of healthy motivation to lose weight.

Support yourself.

Physically hug yourself.

Cheer up for yourself!

Curvy Black Woman Cheering Up For Herself To Boost Her Motivation To Lose Weight


3 Ways To Boost Your Motivation to Lose Weight


1. Set Realistic Expectations


Being compassionate towards yourself means setting realistic expectations.

Unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle can’t be changed overnight, and they shouldn’t be expected to.

If you create unattainable expectations, you’ll only set yourself up for failure and lose even more motivation to lose weight.

Instead, break down your goal into baby steps.

Instead of trying to commit to working out every morning at 7 am, when you’ve never been an early bird at all, try aiming to work out 3-5 days a week.

This is much more realistic and doable.

A large part of why we lose motivation to lose weight is because our end goal seems so out of reach.

Setting small, realistic expectations helps make that goal seem even more like reality.


2. Write Down Your Weight Loss Goals


An important part of maintaining your motivation to lose weight is remaining focused.

It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture and get caught up in the day-to-day hustle.

Try writing down your goals!

In a weekly or daily planner, write down affirmations or goals that you want to achieve.

Some affirmations that boost your motivation to lose weight can be, “I crave foods that nourish my body”, “I can do anything I set my mind to”, and “I love and respect my body”.

Even though they’re just words, affirmations and constant thought processes can increase your motivation to lose weight, while keeping you in a positive state of mind during your weight loss journey.

Writing down these goals and affirmations also gives you something tangible to look back on and remind yourself of when you’re especially being challenged.

Picture Portraying 3 Healthy Ways To Boost Your Motivation To Lose Weight


3. Help Yourself To Stay Committed


Remaining consistent and committed goes hand in hand with focus and constant motivation to lose weight.

It doesn’t do your body any justice if you’re healthy one day but veer off track the next three days.

Remain committed by celebrating every small step you take.

Congratulate yourself on your simple meal switches, your extra walk in the morning, or on not grabbing seconds during dessert.

Recognizing your step-by-step successes helps keep you consistent for the rest of your journey.

If you’re constantly talking down to yourself, you’ll never be able to stay committed to your goals.

Forming any habit takes 21 days and takes 66 days to really solidify it.

Remind yourself that you’re in for the long run, and return back to those original intentions you set for yourself.


Final Thoughts


All in all, everyone’s carrying a little extra weight right now.

Whether it’s the weight of the world or extra weight around our hips, it’s all manageable and part of the human experience.

Your motivation to lose weight can dramatically increase with just a little shift in perspective and commitment to yourself.

At the end of the day, a few extra pounds never seriously hurt anyone.

But lack of self-love and compassion does.

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