Woman With No Stretch Marks On Butt

Girl Talk, Blunt & Open: How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Butt?

Let's just talk about it without shrugging or blushing.

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Let’s talk openly – stretch marks on butt are a problem for a lot of real-world women.

Stretch marks are basically lines that run down the back of your bum, legs, and other parts of your beautiful body, sometimes in patterns.

Developing the appearance of stretch marks on butt has many causes.

Pregnancy is one reason for this, but you don’t have to be pregnant to get them.

Weight lifting can also cause stretch marks on butt and thighs.

Weight gain is one of the most significant reasons and some people are even genetically predisposed to getting stretch marks.

Want to know how to get rid of stretch marks on butt and thighs?

Just read along!


How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Butt?


First of all, in order to get rid of stretch marks on butt thighs, you have to understand their causes.

These lines usually develop because of excessive stretching. When something stretches your skin, it is left vulnerable to breakage, and eventually tears.

So the first thing you want to do in order to minimize stretch marks on butt, is to determine what is stretching your bum:

  • Have you recently gained weight?
  • Have you been or are pregnant?
  • Are you lifting weights, or doing a lot of exercises that make your butt bigger?

Of course, we’re not advocating stopping exercise or never getting pregnant.

But from now on, your plan for stretch marks on butt should involve two steps:


Correction of existing stretch marks;


And prevention of new stretch mars.


Correction Of Existing Stretch Marks On Butt


If you have very fresh stretch marks that appear purple-ish or bright read, I recommend you to read our great guide on how to minimize the appearance of fresh, purple stretch marks on butt and other parts of your body.

If you are noticing that the stretch marks on butt appear lighter, it means your stretch marks are now older and you might benefit the most from cosmetic procedures that are very effective at making light stretch marks on butt almost invisible.

You can try chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser treatments for stretch marks.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks on butt and thighs completely, you should look into these methods.

Woman Getting Cosmetic Procedure At Salon For Stretch Marks On Butt

Of course, each of these methods has its own strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, microdermabrasion is VERY effective in treating the uppermost layers of skin and removing dead skin cells, and helping scars to heal.

Yet it is quite painful, expensive, and has to be done in a series of sessions.

You can also correct some of the stretch marks on butt with prevention methods that we’ll cover up next.

However, please note that they are most effective at preventing the formation of new marks.

Using them for existing stretch marks on butt is not wrong, but it will take a lot longer than with cosmetic procedures.


Prevention Of New Stretch Marks On Butt


Once you start working on those stretch marks on butt, it’s important to improve the elasticity of your bum skin, so the new stretch marks don’t appear anymore (even if you’re lifting weights!).


1. Vitamin E is can help prevent the formation of stretch marks on butt and other parts of your body


If you are wondering what vitamin E does for us, it acts as an antioxidant to prevent cell damage and free radical formation.

This means it can also prevent wrinkles and various lines from developing.

It also works by penetrating deeply into the skin so it works immediately.

When choosing a body lotion, make sure it has Vitamin E in the ingredients list.


2. Collagen plays an important role!


Collagen can help you with cellulite and stretch marks too.

Stretch marks are essentially tears and collagen can help to fill these tears up and make them less visible.

Collagen works great in conjunction with Vitamin E, since it helps to increase the collagen content in your body.

Using these powerful agents together can sometimes repair the skin faster than regular treatments, but it highly depends on various factors.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks on buttocks and thighs fast, then increase your collagen intake through food and vitamins, or try a body lotion that is filled with collagen too.


3. Prevent these scars (yes, stretch marks are scars!) with topical application of Retinol


Retinol is a vitamin A derivative, which stimulates collagen and elastin production in your skin.

It is notoriously effective at treating various skin signs, marks, lines, wrinkles, discoloration – you name it!

However, Retinol creams are available only with a prescription from your doctor and they can be really expensive.

You can still get affordable, less-expensive, and high-quality Retinol without prescription, but it may take longer to see the desirable results.

One of the best new retinol products for body is Paula’s Choice Retinol Skin-Smoothing Body Treatment.

I’ve already used a whole bottle of this and it made my new stretch marks and other body blemishes a lot lighter and they don’t even bother me anymore. Paula'S Choice Retinol Skin-Smoothing Body Treatment

Paula’s Choice Retinol Skin-Smoothing Body Treatment

Paula'S Choice Retinol Skin-Smoothing Body Treatment

Just one important thing to remember: it is not safe to use Retinol products if you’re pregnant!


4. As part of prevention, get enough vitamin E and other antioxidants


Taking foods rich in antioxidants can prevent stretch marks from occurring as well.

As a matter of fact, consuming antioxidant foods such as carotenoids can also reduce age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, which is a great bonus for your health!


5. Exercise must be a part of your health program


Exercising helps to improve circulation and increase elasticity in your skin, thus reducing the appearance of stretch marks on butt.

This is especially important during pregnancy because when you’re pregnant, your skin can easily stretch due to hormonal changes.

Exercising can help to prevent tearing of the skin because it improves muscle tone, which then helps to prevent stretch marks from occurring.

Pretty Curvy Woman With No Stretch Marks On Butt


5. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing



It’s true – you can also get stretch marks on butt if your clothes are too tight, especially if you’re pregnant!

When your bum is in uncomfortably tight clothes, even sitting down on the chair creates enough tension, friction, and stretching that can result in stretch marks… Loose-fitting clothes allow the skin to breathe and lessen the tendency to tear, so whenever possible, let your bum be free!


Stretch Marks On Butt Can Be Even Adorable…


After all, they’re a sign that something new happened in your body.

Even if you’ve got your stretch marks on butt just because you’ve been gorging on pizza and ice-cream… It’s also a sign you had a great time!

Now, just make a few changes, improve your skin care routine, and soon all those stretchy lines will be almost invisible.

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