Woman Using Air Conditioner Unit At Home

Air Conditioner Care For a Newbie Homeowner: 6 Tips To Keep Your AC Unit In Shape

Like all other home appliances, air conditioners also need to be maintained.

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Like all other home appliances, air conditioners also need to be maintained.

Whether this entails routine inspections, maintenance, or repairs, these are all important to help keep your unit in tiptop shape.

If you’d like to keep your air conditioner in tiptop shape, there are several things you can do to ensure it runs smoothly for a long time.

Follow these tips regularly to keep your air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently.


Keep Your AC Unit Clean & Don’t Forget About Preventive Maintenance


If you’d like to save money and energy, consider performing routine maintenance on your air conditioning unit.

Regular maintenance will not only just extend the life of your AC but will also keep it running at its best efficiency.

You should schedule these inspections at least four times a year.

Also, you can save lots of money if you keep your air conditioner in great shape for many years to come.

Regularly cleaning your AC is very important for its overall performance.

Dirty AC can make the unit work harder, resulting in higher energy costs, more frequent repairs, and shortened equipment life.

Air Conditioner Expert Cleans Ac Unit


Check The Filters Regularly


Changing the air filter of your air conditioning system is one of the most basic maintenance tasks for your unit.

It will keep the system in pristine shape by preventing clogging and costly repairs.

Changing the air filter is a small price to pay for the peace of mind you will get from knowing that your air conditioner is in tiptop shape.

Clean or replace air conditioning filters at least once a month to keep your unit working properly.

So, if you live in a heavily polluted area, clean your filters even more frequently.

Dirty air filters can affect the efficiency of your HVAC system.

They can also lead to increased power bills and shorter life.

This is why you should change them every three months or so to avoid expensive repairs.

Cleaning Air Conditioning Unit


Replace Broken Or Faulty Parts


While the parts in your air conditioning unit like V-belts, compressor, evaporator, condenser, etc., are largely reliable, they are subject to wear and tear over time.

By replacing broken parts, you’ll save yourself money and avoid a lot of headaches.

If you notice some rattling noises coming from your AC unit, you may need to replace certain parts or the entire system.

It is also important to take note that replacing AC parts is not always necessary when only minor problems are present.

It’s a great idea to get an expert who can diagnose the cause of the problem and let the professional decide whether a particular component needs replacing or not.


Don’t Ignore Repairs


Though it can be tempting to ignore signs of AC repair, doing so will cost you much more in the long run.

Some homeowners even think of them as unnecessary.

But if you smell something weird or hear strange sounds coming out of your air conditioner, don’t wait too long to call an AC technician to check your unit—even if it is still working and pumping out cold air.

Even if the problem looks minor, don’t wait.

Small issues that go unfixed or ignored can lead to bigger complications that will cost you more bucks, and worse, get a new unit sooner.


Clean The Condenser


Keeping your air conditioning in top shape means cleaning the condenser coils often.

Dirty condenser coils strain other internal parts of the system, shortening its lifespan.

Additionally, clogged condenser coils can harbor biological contaminants that can eventually make their way into the interior of the house.

To prevent this problem from happening, it’s a good idea to clean the condenser at least once a month.


Only Use It When Necessary


You need to avoid overusing your air conditioner if you want to keep it running efficiently and safely.

Only use it when you need it.

Having a cool indoor temperature, especially during summer, is bliss.

But if no one’s using it or no one’s around in the home, don’t leave it on.

Make sure that you turn it on when you really need to use it, and remember to turn it off every time you leave the house.

This way, you can help prolong the lifespan of your AC unit and save on energy bills as well.


Final Thoughts


Perhaps the best tip you can have when it comes to keeping your air conditioner in good running condition is to call a professional.

This way, you can get the best advice and tips on fixing problems and maintaining efficiency for as long as possible.

Also, there are specific problems that professional AC technicians can only address.

Since they have the training, experience, and proper equipment, they’ll be able to identify any potential issues with your air conditioner and fix it accordingly.

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