Baking Soda And Bamboo Brushes As Safe Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

5 Effective Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

That pearly white smile can be hiding somewhere in your kitchen.

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Young Blonde Girls Shows Off Perfect Smile After Using Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

A white teeth smile is undeniably one of the most beautiful things we can rock on our faces.

Pearly white teeth can show that you take good care of yourself and it can even give you a confidence boost.

Now, to make your teeth whiter, you don’t really need to go to your dentist’s office (although regular appointments with your dentist are ALWAYS a good idea).

There are a few teeth whitening home remedies that can make your teeth a few shades whiter, which will cost a fraction of what you would pay during a professional whitening session.

It’s really worth trying them out before you make a decision to spend a ton of money on a whiter smile.

Plus, they don’t make your teeth as sensitive as professional whitening does sometimes.

Let’s see how you can make your teeth whiter at home!


5 Effective Teeth Whitening Home Remedies


1. Baking soda


If you desire beautiful, whiter teeth, you may just find the answer in your kitchen cabinet!

Baking soda has been among the favorite teeth whitening home remedies for hundreds of years now, and many people have achieved amazing results with it.

Basically, what makes baking soda so effective is its molecular structure that gently scrubs the surface of your teeth when used.

The gentle scrubbing removes plaque as well as yellow discoloration in order to reveal a beautiful set of pearly whites.

Not only does baking soda keep your teeth clean, but it also creates an oral alkaline environment.

This restricts oral bacterial growth and helps to prevent cavities and decay.

It also helps regulate pH levels in the mouth.

If you drink a lot of coffee, tea, or wine, it probably means that your oral environment often gets acidic, leading to an increased risk of cavities and enamel erosion.

An oral alkaline environment helps to balance the acidity out, henceforth reducing the harm acidity would otherwise cause.

These properties make baking soda an integral part of a lot of teeth whitening toothpastes.

Try using baking soda on your teeth once a day or every other day and see if you notice any results!

It’s important to note that while baking soda works well on your teeth both as a toothpaste and as one of the teeth whitening home remedies, it lacks a crucial ingredient that other toothpastes have, and that’s fluoride.

Fluoride is one of the main ingredients in toothpaste – it strengthens tooth enamel, prevents as well as reverses early stages of tooth decay, reduces the sensitivity of your teeth, and so on.

So, don’t skip your fluoridated toothpaste while whitening your teeth with baking soda!

Bamboo Tooth Brushes And Baking Soda As Teeth Whitening Home Remedies


2. Hydrogen peroxide


Just like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide is also one of the most popular teeth whitening home remedies.

It has gentle bleaching components that whiten the teeth and antibacterial properties to keep all of your mouth clean, including the tongue.

You can see that most teeth whitening products are formulated with hydrogen peroxide, and that’s due to its potent effect of polishing the teeth and keeping the gums healthy.

Okay, but how do I use it at home then, you ask?

Well, first of all, you can either invest in toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or form your own homemade solution.

The first thing to know when choosing hydrogen peroxide as one of your teeth whitening home remedies is that you need to choose the right concentration – don’t use just any hydrogen peroxide you find laying around.

Generally, using hydrogen peroxide with concentrations above 3% on your own is not recommended since it can cause irritation or tissue damage if used improperly or swallowed.

Some sources even suggest using hydrogen peroxide with a concentration as low as 1.5%, which can be achieved by diluting your 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water.

Once you have your hydrogen peroxide ready, start by thoroughly brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste and flossing afterward – you need to get rid of all the gunk populating your mouth.

Once that’s done, apply your hydrogen solution to directly your teeth – you can do it with either a soft-bristled toothbrush that’s been dipped into the solution or with a cotton swab.

Focus on the visible areas and brush the solution onto your teeth.

Try not to swallow any of the solution and let it sit on your teeth for a minute or two.

Then, thoroughly rinse your mouth out – remove all traces of the solution – and finish by brushing your teeth again, with your regular toothpaste.

Don’t use this method more than once a day because it can lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation if used improperly.

Also, remember that the results may not be very dramatic or immediate – just be patient.

If you notice any sensitivity or irritation in your mouth, try diluting your homemade hydrogen peroxide solution more.

If that doesn’t help, don’t be afraid to discontinue its use – there are other teeth whitening home remedies out there that might be more suitable to your circumstances!

Or, you can always consult your dental care provider – they’re the best when it comes to anything related to teeth (duh)!


3. Oil pulling


Oil pulling is a part of teeth whitening home remedies that are rooted in nature and Ayurvedic medicine.

You can use any natural and organic oil, preferably coconut oil, to whiten the teeth.

Opt for oil without any additives, ideally a cold-pressed oil.

The mechanism behind oil pulling is not immediately obvious, but it works by dissolving the plaques and removing the bacteria that may cause teeth decay and yellowness.

Coconut oil pulling is also excellent if you suffer from gum disease or a dry mouth.

It moisturizes the oral environment, helps to heal your gums, increases saliva production, and soothes irritation.

Coconut oil also has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

For this method, take 2 teaspoons of pure coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes, pulling it between your teeth and your gums.

If you notice jaw pain or any other discomfort when oil pulling, shorten the duration of the procedure as necessary, but try to eventually reach the recommended 20-minute duration.

Do not swallow the oil or let it touch the back of your throat since oil pulling doesn’t destroy the bacteria; rather, it removes and contains it all within the mouth until you spit it out.

Once you’re done oil pulling, spit it out (preferably into a trash bin because solidified oil can cause blockages in your sink’s plumbing) and brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste.


There are a lot of coconut oils to choose from, so make sure to choose coconut oil that is suitable for food – this way, you’ll be sure it’s safe to use in your mouth.

Coconuts And Coconut Oil As Teeth Whitening Home Remedies


4. Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is an effective option when looking for teeth whitening home remedies, but you must be very careful while using it.

It is a potent solution that removes stains and has antimicrobial properties, but it may also damage your teeth (specifically the enamel), so it’s essential to dilute it first before using it.

You can make an effective DIY mouthwash using apple cider vinegar and swish it around for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

To make this mixture, combine one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 8 ounces of water and mix thoroughly.

Don’t forget to brush your teeth with alkaline toothpaste afterward to neutralize the acid and get the best results.

Using this remedy once a week is enough to whiten the teeth and keep your mouth healthy.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Apples On Table As Teeth Whitening Home Remedies


5. Activated charcoal


Activated charcoal is an excellent absorbent, and it can miraculously remove stains and pigments from the teeth (yes, all of those things that cause yellow discoloration).

It’s one of the best teeth whitening home remedies that can brighten the teeth.

Activated charcoal is a component in many teeth whitening products, which is kind of a testament to its effectiveness.

Activated charcoal can be purchased online or in drugstores, but make sure to look only for activated charcoal that’s designed for oral use.

Dip a wet toothbrush into the activated charcoal and then gently brush your teeth in small, circular motions for about 2 minutes.

It’s important to be gentle when using activated charcoal for your teeth since it’s an abrasive substance that can damage the tooth enamel.

Once your done, spit the activated charcoal out and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Finally, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste to remove any remaining charcoal particles from your mouth.

You can also make a mouthwash by mixing a capsule of activated charcoal with some water.

Rinsing your mouth with this solution will reap some of the benefits without the abrasiveness, so it’s ideal for sensitive teeth.

Activated Charcoal Crushed On Bamboo Table As Teeth Whitening Home Remedies


Teeth Whitening Home Remedies – Are They Worth Your Time?


In short – yes!

These remedies are perfect if you want to make your teeth a shade or two lighter.

If you want a bigger change, however, it’s best to buy a teeth whitening kit with LED that you can use at home or make an appointment with a professional dental care provider.

These kits can make your teeth extremely white and they’re pretty easy to use too.

Even if you choose stronger whitening products, try using these natural teeth whitening home remedies in between your sessions to keep the effect and prevent coffee or wine stains.

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