Person Experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

5 Soothing Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is painful and exhausting - here's what can help you manage it.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful, relatively uncommon medical condition that results when a nerve in your wrist gets compressed– perhaps due to repetitive motions like typing or using tools.

It can also be caused by medical conditions like diabetes, hyperthyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis.

Read on to learn more about the common causes and symptoms of this condition, your treatment options, as well as what you can do at home to alleviate suffering.


Symptoms and Treatments of CTS


CTS is associated with discomfort, numbness, and tingling in the hands.

The sufferer may also experience fatigue, clumsiness in the hand and trouble gripping objects.

Treatments may vary depending on the severity of symptoms but often involve physical therapy and rest, splinting, or wearing a brace.

Healthcare providers may also recommend certain medications to help alleviate pain.

In some cases, surgery might be an option, especially if treatment methods do not produce results.

Thankfully, with proper lifestyle adjustments and natural remedies, there are ways to reduce your carpal tunnel symptoms without invasive treatments.


What If It Occurs At The Workplace?


You could be entitled to compensation if you develop carpal tunnel syndrome that’s related to your work.

Notably, seasoned carpal tunnel syndrome attorneys in NY from NMP would recommend filing a workers’ compensation claim if you’re suffering from CTS and your job duties are directly to blame.

Nonetheless, it’s wise to first discuss the proof of the claim with your employer in the presence of your legal representative.

If you actually have a viable case, you could recover compensation in the form of medical bills, treatment costs, wages lost during recovery; or even disability benefits.


Helpful Home Remedies for CTS


1. Stretching to Relieve Stress and Tightness


Simple stretches can help reduce the stress on affected parts of your body.

Try rotating your wrists, arms, and fingers in circles for a few minutes each day.

You could also try holding outstretched arms for several seconds at a time.

Notably, stretching the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and chest could also help, as tightness there can affect carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers.


2. Modifying Your Workspace 


Making changes to the furniture and equipment you use on a daily basis can help reduce symptoms of CTS.

On this note, consider using ergonomic chairs or desks designed for comfort, as well as posture-supporting accessories like sit-stand desk converters and document holders.

It also helps to always make sure your arms are at an appropriate angle when typing by adjusting the height of your chair accordingly.

If it’s possible, try placing your mouse nearer to you, as reaching can increase discomfort.


3. Resting the Affected Hand(s) 


If your job involves computer use, consider taking regular breaks away from typing and other activities that actively involve your hands can help.

Aim for 10 minutes after every hour of work, or change tasks so that you don’t focus on just one side too often.

Also, you can try periodically shaking out your fingers and palms to relax tension in your hand muscles.

If possible, take days off completely; even a short break can make a big difference in terms of easing symptoms and helping your hands to recover.

Rest is key, so make sure you get enough sleep at night too!


4. Investigating Alternative Treatments 


A wide range of treatment options are available to help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with CTS.

Physical therapy may help improve strength and flexibility in your hands, wrists, and forearms.

Massage therapy, on the other hand, can promote muscle relaxation, whereas acupuncture could boost nerve stimulation.

A reliable physician would be the best person to seek advice from about these and other options like yoga or chiropractic care depending on what suits your needs best.


5. Adding Supplements to Your Diet 


Finally, including certain supplements in your diet can also help combat the strains associated with CTS.

For instance, omega-3s assist in reducing inflammation and relieving stress on the nerves that pass through the wrist, while B vitamins can help promote nerve recovery.

Additionally, Vitamin D is believed to offer additional carpal tunnel benefits for those with a deficiency of this nutrient.

Ultimately these dietary additions shouldn’t replace any medical advice or therapies recommended by your doctor.

The best they can do is help reduce the extent of symptoms you are experiencing, which could be all you yearn for during extremely painful episodes.

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