Woman With Insomnia

4 Innocent Things That Keep You From Sleeping At Night

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Woman Having Insomnia
Images via depositphotos

Do you struggle to sleep at night?

You’re not alone.

While many of us consider a day off as an excellent time to catch up on sleep, most of us will struggle to sleep since the Sleep Foundation estimates that one-third of us suffer from insomnia.

While there are many reasons for a troubled night’s sleep (like just don’t glance at your phone in bed – it keeps you awake), there are a few that you may not be aware are keeping you awake at night.


4 Innocent Things That Keep You From Sleeping At Night


1. Lying in


While it’s tempting to try and catch up on sleep at the weekends or on our days off, lying in is the last thing you should do.

While an extra hour in bed may sound appealing, it turns out that it may be more harmful than beneficial.

Not only does it affect the rest of the week (Monday blues, anyone?), but past research has shown that lie-ins harm your mental health and that sleeping more than eight hours increases your chance of a stroke.

The best way to regulate your sleep is to go to bed and get up at the same time, even at the weekends and on holidays.

That might sound a bit like a drag, but it works, and there’s not much more to say – you can’t lie about in bed awake but don’t risk your health by sleeping in.


2. A messy bedroom


If you’re a floordrobe dresser, we have some bad news for you.

Surprisingly, sleeping in a messy bedroom is terrible for your sleep health.

It’s easy to dismiss a cluttered bedroom and even easier to throw everything on the floor, but it turns out that an untidy space might lead to inadequate sleep.

According to doctors, insomniacs with untidy bedrooms experience anxiety, which then leads to fatigue and tiredness, leading to a decreased possibility of cleaning their bedroom the next day, which turns into a broader problem and a vicious cycle.

We feel tired just reading that!

So tidy up, open the windows and turn your messy space into a serene environment that will stop keeping you awake at night.

Woman In A Very Messy Room


3. Working out before bed


While frequent exercise is recommended to combat insomnia or sleeplessness, a recent study found that intensive activity late at night can keep you awake.

It’s a good idea to work out and feel tired when you go to bed, but that exercise session must be at least 2 hours before you turn the lights out – here’s why.

When you work out, blood is diverted from your liver and digestive system to your skeletal muscles during exercise.

Hormones instruct the body to turn fat into glucose, which reduces pain and improves mood, and keeps you awake.

That’s the good news.

However, if you’re trying to sleep, a by-product of exercise is stimulation to the heart and brain.

Adrenaline levels rise, causing the heart to beat more quickly.

Capillaries in the muscles open wider, resulting in a 20-fold increase in blood flow to the brain, all of which will keep you awake!

A great way to relax after working out is to have a quick shower followed by a lukewarm bath with some essential oils and relaxing music.

Woman Having A Relaxing Shower Before Sleep


4. That Innocent Glass Of Alcohol


It’s interesting to know that whisky has long been suggested as a helpful sleep aid.

Sadly, the nightcap myth is an old wives tale.

While alcohol is a sedative, and a few drinks late at night may help you sleep at first, the quality of your sleep will be poor.

Alcohol changes the way you sleep by suppressing your REM sleep.

REM sleep is crucial for memory and attention and without enough REM, you will wake up feeling exhausted the next day.

So stay off the drink late at night, and definitely don’t have an espresso martini unless you want to see the sunrise.




If you want better quality sleep, make sure your bedroom is clean and tidy, take out all electronic devices, mobile phones, laptops, computers, and even your TV.

Take a warm bath and relax to some calm music.

Exercise earlier, if you do.

If you want a nightcap, make your drink of choice a camomile tea or some warm milk and make the whole procedure your bedtime routine, do it at the same time every night (give or take 30 mins) to get the best results.

We hope you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for whatever the day has in store for you.

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