Woman Caring For Her Health

99+ Helpful Tips On How To Improve Your Health

These simple ideas will help you to improve your health in no time.

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Picture Portraying 99+ Helpful Tips On How To Improve Your Health

Have you thought about your health goals yet?

I sure did!

Since last year was rough for me health-wise, I decided to prioritize my health.

And who doesn’t want to be healthy, right?

I know many of you are struggling with health issues, too, so I combined this list of how to improve your health by adding small yet helpful changes to your everyday life, diet, and workout routine.

Most of them are not only easy, but you can also do them without spending much time or money.

It’s all about choices and a little effort, combined with a solid decision to take better care of yourself. And if you haven’t noticed yet, you’ll need to make that decision sooner or later.

Our bodies need love and care, and we’re the only ones who can give that to ourselves.

No one else will keep us healthy (unless you are still living with your loving momma who cooks those extremely healthy, home-cooked, love-filled meals, and in that case – I envy you with all my heart).

So, let’s improve our health and make our lifestyle a bit healthier!

Please note: I am not a physician.

These are just things that work for me, and I find them helpful enough to share.

Before trying anything new and health-related in your life, always consult your doctor.


99+ Helpful Tips On How To Improve Your Health


  1. Choose healthy eating.
  2. Use essential oils that boost your wellness.
  3. Try dry brushing to boost circulation.
  4. Have occasional treats.
  5. Do cardio exercises every day.
  6. Implement some strength training weekly.
  7. Improve your health by becoming more active overall.
  8. Use a food diary to track your nutrition.
  9. Take multivitamins (consult your doctor to determine which ones are appropriate for you).
  10. Eat more fish or take a fish oil supplement (you can substitute it with plant oils if you’re vegetarian).
  11. Take a probiotic course.
  12. Drink enough water (but don’t go to the extremes either!)
  13. Keep your home dust-free.
  14. Let in some fresh air every morning and evening.
  15. Improve your health by going outside every day.
  16. Journal to improve your mental health.
  17. Meditate to relieve life stresses (also try 30 ways to calm down your mind).
  18. Do some stretching every morning.
  19. Swap white salt and sugar to Himalayan salt and natural cane sugar.
  20. Get a Himalayan salt lamp.
  21. Get a humidifier.
  22. Get enough sunshine to boost your Vitamin D reserves.
  23. Call or chat with a loved one regularly.
  24. Give hugs.
  25. Nourish your body with healthy fats.
  26. Get serious about your sleep hygiene.
  27. Set yourself a sleep regime and sleep hours.
  28. Grow air-cleaning plants at your home.
  29. Carry and use hand sanitizer when not at home.
  30. Get a deep-tissue body massage.
  31. Nourish your skin with natural oils.
  32. Heal and protect your hair with oil masks.
  33. Add spices to your food for extra health benefits.
  34. Drink herbal teas.
  35. Black coffee (in moderation) is okay too!
  36. Slow down before eating.
  37. Go swimming to revive your whole body.
  38. Keep your refrigerator clean to avoid unhealthy bacteria.
  39. Deep clean your home once a week.
  40. Declutter your life to minimize stress (here are 99 ways to get seriously organized!).
  41. Enjoy the benefits of deep breathing.
  42. Use natural cleaners instead of chemical ones.
  43. Improve your health by walking instead of driving.
  44. Visit a sauna to detox your body and improve circulation.
  45. Track how you feel after food to understand your food sensitivities.
  46. Get regular medical checkups (+ try at-home health testing kits in between your visits).
  47. Sit straight to protect your spine.
  48. Do stretching breaks while working on your desk.
  49. Indulge in dark chocolate to boost your mood.
  50. Minimize alcohol consumption.
  51. Lose weight slowly and for your health, not your looks.
  52. Get those 10k steps daily.
  53. Learn to focus on the positive.
  54. Cut out soda and juices.
  55. Keep a workout log to see your progress.
  56. Set your health goals.
  57. Improve your health by quitting smoking (if you do!).
  58. Choose organic food when possible.
  59. Eat as clean as possible and say NO to food additives (learn more about healthy nutrition here).
  60. Listen to music you like.
  61. Drink fruit-infused water.
  62. Eat and use honey to boost your immune system.
  63. Improve your health by eating home-cooked food whenever possible.
  64. Slowly get yourself accustomed to contrast showers.
  65. Eat more fermented foods for vitamins and probiotic boost.
  66. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  67. Explore superfoods like quinoa, chia seeds, goji berries, spirulina, and flax seeds.
  68. Use a gratitude journal to stay in a good mood.
  69. Be creative and playful.
  70. Laugh more!
  71. Discover or deepen your relationship with yoga or tai chi.
  72. Do bed exercises if you need to take it slower.
  73. Do a mindful body scan to relax before sleep.
  74. Add herbs and relaxing or invigorating essential oils to your bath and shower.
  75. Keep a healthy work and rest regime.
  76. Declutter your mind regularly.
  77. Eat until you are 80% full.
  78. Brush and floss every day without excuses.
  79. Plan your meals.
  80. Always listen to your body.
  81. Try alternative pain relievers (heat, cold, and yoga poses).
  82. Reduce morning stress with a morning routine.
  83. Go to the beach, visit the sea or ocean.
  84. Immerse in refreshing forest walks.
  85. Forgive and let go of anger.
  86. Pump up your lymphatic system with a regular HIIT workout.
  87. Walk barefoot in nature.
  88. Have or give yourself a foot or head massage.
  89. Improve your health by eating at least one fruit or berry handful daily.
  90. Replace refined grains with whole grains.
  91. Wash or soak your fruits and veggies well.
  92. Do a short workout when watching Netflix.
  93. Come up with a health or fitness challenge.
  94. Develop healthy, good habits.
  95. Go to sleep before midnight.
  96. Wash your hands regularly.
  97. Use SPF sunscreen (and not only in summer!).
  98. Create your wellness & self-care plans.
  99. Make healthy living a lifestyle.
  100. ~ ~ ~ Unlimited space for your future ideas ~ ~ ~

I hope you’ve found many beautiful ideas on how to improve your health, little by little.

Are you ready and determined to live healthier this year?

Please take a few tips from this list and make them a habit!

If you like these tips, scroll down to more similar topics!

Co-authors at ShineSheets.com

"We love to research problems, examine studies, analyze solutions, and share with you ideas that make life healthier. You can learn about us and our editorial standards here. Have suggestions or feedback to share? Send us a message!."

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