Two Happy Women Enjoying Life

69 Ways To Live Happier – Today!

Implement these in your life to just START. LIVING. HAPPIER.

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When a pessimistic outlook becomes an everyday friend, staying in that mood for a long time can quickly become a habit.

And while life can indeed get hard sometimes… When you think well, there’s gotta be more to life than just a miserable existence.

Some people can always stay optimistic and joyful – and cheers to them!

Do you want to know how they do that?

What’s their super secret to living happier? Well, I gotta disappoint you… Because there is none.

There are simply particular habits, specific thinking patterns, and actions that help those people to live on a more optimistic side of life.

“Yeah, sure.

You must be talking about those rich people who don’t have any problems in their life at all.

I have REAL problems, and my reasons to be sad are LEGIT.”

There is truth in these words!

Money can make life easier, for sure.

But don’t be fooled by thinking that rich people don’t have any problems.

They do, and their issues can even be more severe than yours or mine.

And even if we put money aside… Millions of people have suffered a hard life and debilitating problems.

However, many can still say they are happy because their happiness is unrelated to their life situations and events.

Their joy is right there in their heart, and they don’t need to have A, X, or Z to feel it.

Happiness is everywhere around us, but we have to choose to see it. To live happier means to focus on the brighter side of life constantly and choose to do things that build your happiness day by day.

So here are a few happy thoughts and a list of 69 ways to start living happier.

Try implementing at least a few of these tips and watch your mood improve.

While going through these tips, look for purple links!

These contain a related article that explains how to do something (in-depth) or leads to one of our free printable tools that help you shape your mindset with fun journaling exercises.

Let’s begin.


Live Happier Through Finding Balance


  1. Define your „WHY“ – the main reason for going forward.
  2. Always set a clear plan of what to do next.
  3. Battle boring days by being productive instead.
  4. Imagine the life you want and make a plan to achieve it.
  5. Define what living happier means to you.
  6. Hold yourself accountable and do what needs to be done (to prevent unnecessary stress).
  7. Become serious about your self-care routine.
  8. Enthusiastically learn new things.
  9. Limit the amount of news you watch or read daily.

Happy Woman Walking On Railtrack As A Concept Of Living Happier With Life Balance


Live With Brighter Thoughts


  1. Look for the bright side in every negative situation.
  2. Embrace every challenge as a way to become stronger.
  3. Set daily reminders with positive affirmations.
  4. Learn to spot patterns of negative thinking.
  5. Pay more attention to what is good than to what‘s bad.
  6. Stop feeling like a failure (trust me, you are NOT)
  7. Remind yourself of your victories and achievements.
  8. Make a genuine effort to be happier (you‘re the only one who can do this).
  9. Shake a little, relax your body, and stop taking everything and everyone so seriously.
  10. If nothing helps, consider talking to a therapist.
  11. Read something positive and enjoyable every day.
  12. Practice positive thinking (you can use our free printable Positivity Journal, which works perfectly for that).
  13. Before sleep, think about three good things that happened today.

Woman With Her Hands In The Air As A Symbol Of Living Happier


Live Happier and Have More Fun!


  1. Say „YES“ to new experiences and places.
  2. Go through your happiest memories.
  3. Then create new, even happier ones.
  4. Gently push yourself to be more spontaneous.
  5. Spend more time outside (especially in nature).
  6. Stop thinking that you MUST be cheerful and joyful every single day.
  7. Watch funny videos, movies, vines, music videos – anything with a sprinkle of fun, positive sarcasm, or satire.
  8. Create a happiness ritual and do it every day. (Need an example?

    Try drinking a glass of wine and blasting your favorite music through the headphones.)

  9. Have more lovemaking (I mean… SCIENCE says it reduces stress.

    We have to listen to science!


  10. Look at funny cat & dog pics or videos.
  11. If you can, buy things that make you happy.
  12. Do some fun and childish activities like painting coloring books, playing with water sprays, or putting together a puzzle – just allow yourself to be playful.

Woman Climbing A Mountain As A Symbol Of Living Happier Through Adventure


Live Happier With Less


  1. Notice small, beautiful things.
  2. Practice gratitude every day.
  3. Stop chasing temporary „highs“ and allow yourself to be happy here and now.
  4. Practice mindfulness daily.
  5. Be yourself.

    Love who you are NOW.

  6. Spend your money on experiences, not things.
  7. …Or spend your money on others.


Live Happier Through Health


  1. Spend more time in the sunshine.
  2. Try to get enough sleep every day.
  3. Fall in love with a healthy diet.
  4. Start exercising regularly.
  5. Meditate and have a few „deep breathing“ breaks throughout your day.
  6. Stay well hydrated.


Live Happier By Cleaning Out Your Life


  1. Delete negative songs from your playlist.
  2. Let go of all the anger and grudges.
  3. Learn to deal with stress and things that trigger your sadness.
  4. Let go of perfectionism.

    Perfect does not exist!

  5. Try to eliminate blaming, complaining, and judging from your life.
  6. If possible, cut down on work and delegate some chores.
  7. Declutter your home.
  8. Organize your life.
  9. Have a „disconnect day“ every week to rest without your phone, computer, and internet (I promise, you will be okay).
  10.  Stop comparing yourself to others.

Person Building Smiling Blocks As A Concept Of Living Happier By Choice


Live Happier Among Others


  1. Practice empathy daily.
  2. Help others whenever you can.
  3. Try to be more social and spend more time with people you like.
  4. Have meaningful conversations.
  5. Be generous.
  6. Learn to stand up for yourself without being mean.
  7. Strive to be kind to others, but don‘t feel disappointed when others don‘t.
  8. Stop expecting to be liked, accepted, and noticed by everyone.
  9. Fake that smile if you need to – sometimes it works, and you start to mean it.
  10. Give compliments like candies.
  11. Learn to say NO when it‘s needed.
  12. MAKE A CHOICE to start living happier, today.


And congrats!

You made it to the end.

Now, pick a few from this list and start doing them daily (or do them all if you like!).

Remember that happiness is a choice.

Not an easy one… But it’s also the most important one.

Like these tips on living happier?

Scroll down for more helpful ideas!

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