Brunette Woman In The Sunset Practicing Self Love

50 Ways To Practice Self Love Every Day

Let's get your self love game on top.

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Haooy Brunette Woman With A Hat On Her Way To Practice Self Love

I always talk about loving yourself.

And I do this because self love is extremely important… If you don’t know how to love yourself, you’ll hardly know how to behave in life for your best interest.

I learned it the hard way since I am an anxious person, and it is hard for me to feel comfortable in various social situations.

As a result, self love was another challenge I needed to overcome, even though it was simply learning to be nice to myself. I felt so invaluable, so small and useless, that even in the simplest situations I put myself to second place.

It made me feel inferior to others, and it brought me down even more.

Thankfully, trough the years, I have discovered that self love is almost like a muscle.

You can exercise it until you start to really like it and feel its power.

With a bit of attention to detail, time, and commitment you really CAN learn to love yourself.

I’ve discovered that there are a few simple, yet really helpful ways to practice self love and achieve a happier life, day by day.

It really doesn’t matter if you use all of these tips, or only a few (even though they’re pretty easy to do).

I believe that doing just one thing from this list can already improve your relationship with the most important person.

That’s right – yourself.

Are you ready to fall into real, honest self love?

I remember myself crying when I finally asked this question myself… So, I hope you say “YES!” too.

Let’s dive into 50 ways to practice self-love every day.


12 Balancing Ways To Practice Self Love


  1. Allow ten minutes every day to sit in silence.
  2. Practice an optimistic attitude.
  3. Learn to say “yes” to adventure.
  4. Laugh each day with all of your heart.
  5. Embrace your faith.
  6. Meditate at the beginning of each day.
  7. Spend plenty of time in nature.
  8. Plan a trip to a place you never visited.
  9. Buy yourself your favorite flowers and place them in your bedroom.
  10. Take yourself out for lunch.
  11. Sit in the sun and enjoy its warmth.
  12. Turn off your gadgets and schedule some time alone without a blue screen.

Woman Doing Meditation As A Way To Practice Self Love


10 Ways To Practice Self Love And Improve Your Mental Health


  1. Practice forgiving yourself.
  2. Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed.
  3. Use daily stress-coping mechanisms.
  4. Be kind to your inner dialogue.
  5. Compliment yourself daily.
  6. Love your body no matter its flaws.
  7. Practice your favorite hobby at least 30 minutes per day.
  8. Create a gratitude journal and add a thing you are grateful for every day.
  9. Write a love letter to yourself.
  10. Make a happy playlist to listen to when you feel low.

Journals, Candles And Tea As Ways To Practice Self Love


9 Ways To Practice Self Love And Self Improvement


  1. Be a learner, a grower, and never stop learning new skills.
  2. Read at least one page of a book (daily) that you are passionate about.
  3. Discover your passion and do your best to grow it.
  4. Discover your strengths and embrace your weaknesses.
  5. Join a new class to learn helpful or inspiring things.
  6. Step out of your comfort zone a bit every day.
  7. Design a plan to quit a bad habit.
  8. Set aside some time daily to work on making your biggest dream a reality.
  9. Listen to an interesting podcast on your way to work.


8 Healthy Ways To Practice Self Love


  1. Appreciate what your body can do.
  2. Keep up with your doctor’s appointments.
  3. Do your best to eat healthily.
  4. Cook your own meals.
  5. While eating, focus on your meal, and avoid overthinking about other things.
  6. Pamper yourself daily with a healthy and fun choice.
  7. Create a nighttime routine to allow your body to have plenty of time to rest.
  8. Go for a massage and enjoy every minute of it.

Woman Sitting In The Nature On Hay Stack To Practice Self Love


6 Social Ways To Practice Self Love


  1. Reach out to someone who is inspiring and positive.
  2. Plan a fun day with your friends.
  3. Do a kind act for your neighbor.
  4. Do something altruistic.
  5. Donate stuff you don’t use anymore.
  6. Reach out to a co-worker and take him / her out for lunch.


5 Ways To Practice Self Love Through Life Organization


  1. Write your daily schedule and make sure you set some time for yourself.
  2. Create boundaries and avoid time-sucking activities that drain you.
  3. Learn to say no to toxic activities and people.
  4. Pinpoint your biggest career goals and make a plan to reach them.
  5. Make small steps towards self-acceptance.

Planners, Flowers And Glasses On Pink Table As Tools To Practice Self Love


Easing In: How To Practice Self Love Through Self Discovery


If just doing these self love activities feels weird or unnatural to you, it’s okay.

It’s never easy to fall in love with yourself if you’re used to being negative about the way you are.

There’s one simple way to practice self love, and particularly – self-acceptance when you feel like you’re not something you want to be.

I have created a free printable self discovery journal called “30 days to myself” that can help you to overcome those feelings of not being good enough.

It’s a meditative journaling experience where you go through 30 journaling prompts to embrace yourself the way you are – with all your victories, your failures, your flaws, your strong parts – all those things that make you you.

How does it help you to practice self love?

First of all, you if you really want to love yourself, you have to be okay with whatever you are and whatever happened in your life before.

This journal helps you to let go of your negative expectations, accept your mistakes and imperfections, and most importantly – see the full image of who you are.

We tend to always focus on what’s “wrong” with us, while totally forgetting all the good things about ourselves.

This journal will help you to put those pieces together.

Once you come to peace with all the beautiful and ugly sides of yourself, it becomes a lot easier to practice self love.

You’re no longer feeling like you’re trying to be someone you’re not.

You’re learning to love yourself unconditionally.

You can grab this printable journal to start your self discovery journey right away.


How To Practice Self Love: Conclusion


… So this is how you can practice self love in your daily life.

I believe you noticed that self love is closely linked to self care.

It’s not enough to just think nice thoughts… You have to show up for yourself, and you have to do nice things to yourself, like you would do to someone you love.

Self love is key for our mental wellbeing.

And you know what?

It is not that hard to appreciate yourself daily once you get used to it.

Be grateful for who you are and embrace all of your flaws.

Even though our society still promotes perfection, the truth is there is no such thing as a perfect human being.

We all have our flaws, our ups, our downs, none of us is 100% organized, and trust me – none of us is without guilt or shame. We all deserve self love.

Next time you feel like you hate yourself, or that you don’t deserve love from anyone, please remember these tips that I’ve shared with you today.  These ways to practice self love can pick you up, and if it feels too hard, you can start with only one.

Just pick a random one and do it.

Keep up with it, practice self love every day and this is where the magic happens… Your life will improve for the better as soon as you show yourself a bit of appreciation and start saying “I love you” to the girl in the mirror.

I’m with you.

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